Sports Psychology and Sports Radio, what and how we learn

Media, both social and traditional, have become sources of sports psychology information.sports psychology and social media
An icon in sports radio, Mike Francesa, is ending today his 30 year career in talk radio. Francesa, and his former partner Chris Russo, have initiated and lead controversial discussions on the far ranging issues provided by professional and amateur sport. As Francesa leaves his daily radio show,

a recent New York Times article discusses how the media landscape is changing in terms of how information/knowledge is acquired by audiences. The younger the audience, the more likely that blogs, podcasts, and various social media formats will be the information sources. Turning to a radio station is a fading action for gaining knowledge and communicating with the masses. Writing this blog is my effort to communicate sport psychology knowledge in an accessible and expedient form for athletes and all those desiring to increase their performance effectiveness. Creating a revamped and new web site, making a commitment to regular blog postings and even deciding to get smart about twitter postings have been my latest emotional, time and financial investments in the sports psychology media landscape. It’s exciting and demanding as the added time to blog and tweet, along with the planning and thought required, is going to require more careful attention to balancing my time. But, I’m up for it and ready to go after it all. New and unfamiliar can be exciting and challenging but this lets you know how important it is to “MIND YOUR GAME” in the world of sports psychology and high performance.

My partner, Dr. Ken Schneider, who is the former Chairman of the applied psychology program at the Rutgers University professional school of psychology, is fond of saying “if you don’t get on the train when it is leaving the station, it’s really tough catching up”. The saying applies to keeping up with the latest in communication and technology used to optimize mental health, performance effectiveness and practice development.